Words don t come easy to me

F.R.David : Words


Words don't come easy to me,

How can I find a way,

Words, don't come easy, to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you
words don't come easy

Words don't come easy to me

This is the only way for me to say I love You

Helloween - " Rabbit Don't Come Easy " (2003)07 - Don`t Stop Being Crazy

HelloweenDon't Stop Being Crazy [Rabbit Don't Come Easy (2003)]

Y&TLove Don't Come Easy

Duy QuangLời Tình Khó Nói(Words Don't Come Easy)

Camp Rock 2Youre My Favourite Song (Words don't come easy without a melody I'm always thinking In terms of do-re-mi I should be hiking, swimming laughing with you Instead

Words, don't come easy to me
How can I find a way
to make you see I Love You
Words don't come easy

Don't come easy to me
This is the only way
for me to say I Love You
Words don't come easy

Слова, они не приходят на ум,

Как мне найти способ,

чтобы ты увидела — я люблю тебя!

Трудно подобрать слова,

Мне трудно подобрать слова,

Это — единственный способ

для меня сказать, как я люблю тебя,

Но слова не идут на язык.

Это непросто
Непросто подобрать слова

Трудно подобрать слова.

Это просто обычная песня.
Которую я написал для тебя сам.
Нет никакого скрытого смысла ты знаешь, когда я,
Когдя я говорю, что я тебя люблю, родная.

don't come easy to me,
this is the only way,
for me to say, I love you
words don't come easy

Don't come easy to me
This is the only way
for me to say I Love You
Words don't come easy

Words don't come easy

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